Who is Wiziga designed for?

Wiziga was created for small businesses and hard working people: Tradesmen, Craftsmen, Independent Contractors, Self Employed. It has been in field use for over 10 years. It simply works. Wiziga may not be for everyone but if your business is 1-10 team members it may be exactly what you have been looking for. Simple to use with low learn curve.

  • Small business 1-10 team members.
  • Self Employed
  • One man show operations
  • CI Industry - Custom Integrators
  • Independent Contractors
  • Electricians
  • Plumbers
  • Painters
  • Drywallers
  • Carpenters
  • Handymen Services
  • Any Trades Company (in general)
  • Software Contractors
Will Wiziga work on any device?

YES! - Wiziga is a PWA app and works on any mobile device, tablet, laptop, desktop. You can access your account anywhere in the world as long as you have a mobile or internet connection. 100% cloud. Automatic syncronization across all your devices.

Is Wiziga available in multiple languages?

YES! - You can use the "Automatic Language Translation" feature built into Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge to translate Wiziga from English to your native language of choice. We have tested this with Spanish, French and German.

Important new account settings

Below is the official list of default settings you must edit when you activate your new account. Customizing your new account is critical and will take you between 15-30 minutes to complete. All of these functions are under the ADMIN MENU once you login.

  1. USERS -> Edit your user, add users. Set your pay rate, set permissions to either admin or default
  2. ACCOUNT -> Check your Account information for accuracy
  3. CITIES -> ADD -> Add cities you do business in
  4. CLIENT TYPES -> SEARCH -> LIST ALL -> As above. Edit, delete, add as required
  5. CLIENTS -> ADD -> Add a new client
  6. JOB TYPES -> SEARCH -> LIST ALL -> As above. Edit, delete, add as required
  7. JOB STYLES -> SEARCH -> LIST ALL -> As above. Edit, delete, add as required
  8. DASHBOARD -> DAILY OPERATIONS -> EDIT -> You can check off this task list as complete.
  9. After you have custimzed your account, go ahead and do a Timesheet under your "Daily Operations" and check off the tasks you have completed.
Is Wiziga an accounting program?

NO! - Wiziga is NOT an accounting program. It was never designed as such. Businesses should be using some form of readily available accounting program.

Wiziga is NOT designed for retail storefront business

There are many existing solutions for retail storefronts.

Where do i get the App?

Install the app from the Wiziga account login page. Wiziga is a PWA (Progressive Web App).

Are there any account restrictions?

NO! there are no account restrictions of any kind. No nickel and dime pay per user limits. Unlimted updates. It's up to you to use Wiziga. It's a tool.

Does Wiziga have invoicing?

YES - You turn this optional feature on or off inside your account settings. Disclaimer: We strongly advice any business to use an accounting program for invoicing. Integration with the most popular accounting programs will come in future releases.

How do I request a feature?

Inside your account there is a form to request features. We have a long list of features that will be added over time already in the pipeline.

Is there live customer support?

NO - Wiziga is 100% AI automated. Self serve. Everywhere inside the app are specific help details for everything. You can request features or report a bug inside the app. We can always be reached on Wiziga via email. We will respond.

How do i cancel my account?

Log into your paypal account and cancel the Wiziga subscription. This will automatically cancel your Wiziga account.

Can I download timesheets?

YES - Account admin users can search for timesheets by date range, user and choose the option for downloading. This will provide you with a spreadsheet of all the timesheet data for you to use any way you want.

Can I upload files for a job?

YES - You can upload image files for a job either at the end of doing a timesheet or from inside job details. Once images are uploaded you can view them in the app files gallery. We plan on adding additional file upload formats in the future.

Can I import Quickbooks customer list?

YES - You can import your quickbooks customer list. Instructions are inside the app.

Can I import materials lists?

YES - You can import your materials lists. Instructions are inside the app.

Does Wiziga have live chat team collaboration?

NO - That's what your phone is for. Let's face it, you are in contact with your crew daily and likely on the job site with them much of the time. We looked at this feature and found it was actually time wasting and did not help at all. Pick up your phone and talk to your people or send a text message. If you need live chat team collaboration then Wiziga is not for you.

Multiple Billing Rates?

Yes - You can have as many different billing rates as you need. When you first setup your account, a default billing rate was set by you.

If you have more than one billing rate:

  • Log into your account
  • Under the "Admin" menu, select "Billing Rates"
  • Select "Add"
  • Provide a name and amount. No dollar sign.
  • Example: Management -> 75
  • Select "Save" button at the bottom of the screen
Now when you do a timesheet, there will be more than one "Labour Type" to select which corresponds to it's billing rate value.

Sales Tax Rates

There are 2 sales tax rate options available. These were set when your new account was being setup.

  • Log into your account
  • Under "Admin" menu select "Account->Settings"
  • Select your account which will expand the details. You will see your sales tax rates showing under "Sales Tax Setting" heading.
  • To change this, select the "Edit" icon.
  • Select the "Tax Rates" tab
  • From here you can edit as needed. Make sure you check the boxes off as to what sales tax 1 or sales tax 2 applies to.

Example. In Canada many of the provinces have 2 sales tax rates. GST and PST. GST applies to everything. "Sales Tax Federal" = 5 and all the boxes below it are checked off. The second tax for Canadians is PST which typically only applies to "Materials". "Sales Tax Provincial" = 7 and the "Maerials" box is checked off. Make sense?

If you have only 1 tax rate, like HST. Set "Sales Tax Provincial" to 0 and uncheck any boxes under it. In other words, 0% sales tax will be calculated.

Forgotten Password?

It is strongly advised when you log into the wiziga app the first time to change your password.. Then log out and log back in with your new password. Allow your device to save your login information. This way next time you log in you won't have to remember your password or username.

  • At the login screen select "Forgot Password"
  • Follow the prompts and answer the questions
  • Wiziga uses multi-factor authentication

Help Files?

There is detailed help documentation everywhere in the app. You will find "Help" under each app section along with a main "Help" section under "Misc" menu.

User Pay Rates?

This is found under "Admin -> Users -> Settings". Inside you will see an input for "Pay Rate". Example. If you have a user on your crew named "Bob" and you pay Bob $25 per hour. In "Bob's" user profile set the "Pay Rate" to 25.

Need more details? Select "Admin -> Users -> Help". This will give you all the answers you need.

What if the user is on salary? Well the system was designed for hourly. That's ok. Just do this. If you pay "Bob" $1500 every 2 weeks then divide 1500 / 80 = 18.75. You get the idea. Its very flexible. Remember wiziga is NOT an accounting program.