Mobile Share Details

Sharing job details with your crew or client takes just seconds. Job details are all preformatted for consistancy. All active and scheduled jobs have a "Share" option. You can "Default" share job details with your crew, contractors etc. You can "Client" share job details. Very handy when you want to update a client of the job's progress.

Desktop Share Job Data

Share takes litterly seconds to do. All job details are preformated with the important details. No sensitive data is sent (For obvious reasons). This feature was added because the company was tired of having to copy/past/send job details over and over again. You know how some trades are. Client share was added again to eliminate the time needed to compose an email and send data. Yes, your crew can just log into Wiziga and get the data but sometimes it is simply more efficient to "instantly" share the job details to their email.